Monday, November 09, 2009


November is National Novel Writing Month! National Novel Writing Month...get it? This is the month when you write as much as you can on the novel you've always been wanting to work on. Or if you're not interested in writing a long story, you could try short stories or poems. The point is to actually make time this month and write, write, write. There's even a Young Writers Program, so check it out. Need encouragement? YA author Maureen Johnson participates in NaNoWriMo AND blogs about it!

Keep checking the Teen Zone blog this month for more posts about writing & other teens who write. Good luck on your novel, short story, or poem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second what you say. I wrote a novel for young readers in 2005 and it took four years of sending it out and getting rejection letters until I finally got a publisher who did a great job on the book. You can read more about it, if you're interested at