Calendar of Teen Zone EventsAugust 15 TLC Meeting 7:00 in the Board Room
August 16 Movie:
Dreamgirls @ 2 & 7pm in the Baxter Room
September 1 Movie:
Prestige @ 2pm in the Baxter Room
September 8 Movie:
The Illusionist @ 2pm in the Baxter Room
September 18 TLC Meeting 7:00 Board Room
September 20 READ Book Club:
Gospel According to Larry 7:00 in the Activity Room
September 29 Gettin' Saucy Cooking Class 11:00am (French Brunch, Registration Req.)
October 6 Movie:
Hotel Rwanda @ 2pm in the Baxter Room
October 7 Movie:
Freedom Writers @ 2pm in the Baxter Room
October 11 Chat about
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows @ 7:00pm
October 18 READ Book Club:
The Rules of Survival 7:00pm (check blog for location)
October 30 Gettin' Saucy Cooking Class: Halloween Edition 6:00pm (Regis.Required)