Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Reading Program

Bundle up with a book! The six-week Adult/Teen Winter Reading Program officially begins today! Here's the deal -- sign up, read books or listen to audiobooks checked out from MGPL, and win prizes!

What kind of prizes?
  • After 1 book read - 1 entry form for the grand prize drawing
  • After 3 books read - 1 MGPL coffee mug with spoon or a Dairy Queen coupon for half-off the price of a small blizzard (good at the Niles store) and 1 raffle ticket
  • After 6, 9, 12, and 15 books read - 1 entry form for the grand prize drawing
You could get up to 6 raffle tickets to win...drumroll, MGPL tote bag filled with a genuine Snuggie and other items to keep you warm this winter! Yep, a Snuggie!
You know you've always wanted one to show off to your friends. So get reading and win!

There are two ways to sign up:
  1. Come to the Reference Services Desk. At registration, you'll receive a bookmark with program details and paper quilt squares to write book reviews if you choose.
  2. New this year -- register yourself online! Go to and click the Sign Up button in the upper-right hand corner of screen.
Any questions? Visit the Reference Desk, call (847) 929-5101, IM a librarian at MGPL, or send an email to

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